Orthodontists today can successfully correct most problems regardless of the patient’s age. But that does not mean that the orthodontic treatment starting age does not matter. In fact it may play a significant role in the total time and expenses required for the completion of the orthodontic treatment.
The ideal age for a patient’s first orthodontic consult is age 7. At this age we can assess the pattern of eruption of the permanent teeth, the development of the jaws, determine when to begin orthodontic care. Most orthodontic treatment is not necessary at this early age, but certain malocclusions benefit from early treatment. Some of the malocclusions that benefit from early treatment are: posterior crossbite, anterior crossbite, mesially ectopic eruption of the first molar, narrow arches, and open bites due to a thumb sucking habit.
Most orthodontic problems are ideally treated after the age of 11. Usually, all or most permanent teeth are erupted and patients are at one of their most active phases of growth. They have most or all of their permanent teeth and at the same time the patient is still growing and developing. This facilitates the correction of malocclusions and shortens treatment time.
Our philosophy is that: “It is never too late to fulfill your dreams”. With the innovation of esthetic braces more adults are seeking orthodontic care. As long as the bone and gum tissue are healthy teeth can be aligned and a beautiful smile can be achieved.